Sunday, 17 July 2016

Felony and Fraud vs. Major Nourhaghighi by Metropolitan Toronto Condominium Corp. 935 at 456 College Street جنایات وکلاهبراریهای مالکین کنادائی بر ضد سرگرد نورحقیقی

Autobiography of Major Nourhaghighi
July 19, 1990 to January 4, 2019
Canadian Counter-Dictionary, and Human Rights' Violations in Canada

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Corrupt Metropolitan Toronto 
Major Keyvan Nourhaghighi ("Major") v. Corrupt Managers & Directors of Metropolitan
Toronto Condominium Corporation No. 935 456 College Street, Toronto,  Ontario, M6G 4A3 ("Condo 935")

This is part of autobiography of the Lord of the Law, Major Keyvan Nourhaghighi ("Major")
indicating that s few corrupt owners, directors, managers and their lawyers involved a serious wrongdoing and felonies against
the public and the administration of justice such as bribe to 14 Division of Toronto Police, Justice of Peace Ian McNish and Prosecutor Allan Scott at
Old City Hall, in Toronto to dismissed charges udder By-law against Condo  935 whereas Seven Judges Superior Court & Cort of Appeal have condemned
Condo 935, dismissed all their applications ad appeals  with two counts of award of Costs to Major . It is important to note that many owners of
Condo 935 are very low income families that corrupt directors and lawyers have caused over $500,000.00 legal costs for owners
and estimated over $50 Millions Dollars damages to taxpayers  & the Judicial resources for countless legal proceedings
The winning Factum of the Lord of the Law in the Highest Court in Ontario
Where the losers were the strongest Condominium Law Firm
and the corrupt Attorney General of Canada

This video on YouTube shows Bed Bugs & Toxic Mold in at 456 College Street Toronto
The cause of action in brief:
The grounds for Major's complaints were:
a) Excessive noise from exercise room at seventh floor to Major's unit;
b) Water damage from seventh floor  showers to Major's unit; and
c) Fraud and manipulation of accounts for common expenses
 where according to the law the Condo 935 was liable.

The white Canadian owners, directors , managers and lawyers of the Condo 935, instead of a proper reply to Major's complaints
have commences the most oppressive and abusive behaviours toward Major's children and him who were new Iranian Muslim immigrants to Canada, such as
i) Improper influence & interference with all his contracts ending  to the lost of employment & education, and occupational licenses;
ii) They asked from agents to bring a false lawsuit against Major for appliances which were part of unit when he bought;
iii) Installing new heavy noise exercise at exercise room and operating it during 24 hours, seven days per week;
iv) Intentionally increasing the water damages to his property ending to collapse of the ceiling & toxic molds;
v) Conspiracy with Major's lawyers to take his property on the power sale.
Condo 935  has left Major with no counsel  before all Courts in the following lawful actions:
1) Major filed all evidence of frauds in accounts of Condo 935 with the Toronto Police, 14 Division;
 2) Major filed all evidence of nuisance with the Justice of Peace, at Old City Hall;
3) Major filed a lawsuit to recovery his damages with the Ontario Superior Court of Justice.
Then, the white Canadian owners, directors , managers and lawyers of Condo 935 filed an application that he must sell his property
on the grounds inter alia he is Iranian and Muslim had military training
Toronto corrupt Lawyers involved in conspiracy and fraud against the administration of justice and Major in chronological order are:
1) The Defendant corrupt lawyer Henry G. Gertner; 2)  The Defendant corrupt lawyer Stephen B. McCann;
3) The Defendant corrupt lawyer Rosanne Giuletti; 4) The Defendant corrupt lawyer Gary Steinberg,

5) The Defendant corrupt lawyer Mark Arnold, expert in Condominium Law twice lost cases to Major Nourhaghighi, with costs
6) The Defendant corrupt lawyer John Deacon: 7) The Defendant corrupt lawyer Blaine Fedson; 8) The Defendant corrupt lawyer Ellen Montizambert

and 9) The Defendant corrupt lawyer Marko Djurdjevac, who lost appeal at Ontario Court of Appeal with
$1500.00 Costs to Major Nourhaghighi "The Lord of the Law"

Margret Theis , since 1991 is member of Thief Church and Board of Director, Defendant before the Court for Fraud & Wrongdoing
Mirita Perez  owner of 701, since 19912 is the president of Board and wife of Superintendent Defendant before the Court for Fraud & Wrongdoing
Ruben Perez (Superintendent and Owner of unite 504! Salary $58,000 and benefits that his wife is approving for him,since 1992 involved Fraud & Wrongdoing
Dr. Charles Kettle* (ex-owner of unit 604, involved in fraud and wrongdoing testified before Judge McNish who has stolen a copy of cheque paid to him
Crown Lawyer Stephen B. McCann (Employed by Attorney General of Ontario, involved in fraud*)
and other corrupt Owners, who involved in frauds and nuisances against me and conspired with the Metro Toronto
Police 14 Division to cover-up their own felonies and mislead the police in bring charges against me causing thousands
Canadians get involved in the most uncivilized legal battles. *Defendants in me's Lawsuits

Thing said corrupt Queen in Right of Ontario & Toronto
Dirtiest Thought, Dirtiest Words, Dirties Acts...
Robbery, Robbery, Robbery ...
,, , ,
O n October 28, 1994,  at trial against Condo 935, the Toronto corrupt Judge Ian McNish at Old City Hall said to
the corrupt Board of Director that : "You must do crimes against Major Nourhaghighi in such to  leave NO Evidence to be charged for it..."
Renuvation of June 2009 & Condo's Conspiracy with Major's Contractors
What was the motive?
Chanel or Cheater Club?
Church & its Evil Contracts
Multiple Conflicts of Interests
All kinds of Insulting Nuisance*
Authorities were informed for Frauds
Caber's trespass and claims for Costs!?
Theft from inside of me's unit by Condo
All kinds of threat & wrongdoing in Condo 935
Thefts of my parcels and posts by Condo 935
me's Prosecutions under the Ontario Provincial Act
Conspiracies to Sell me's Property without his Consent
My civil actions against Condominium and the corrupt Board
Corrupt Board of Directors' Vexatious  Application Against Me
Condo's Improper Interferences with me's Telephone and Cable lines
Corrupt Board of Directors' Indirect Prosecutions and Torts against me
Nourhaghighi Shall NOT be Prejudices by Passage of Time in the Event!
Corrupt Board of Directors' Conspiracy for bringing Civil Actions against me
Condo's illegal and malicious refusal to provide professional services to me
corrupt Condo's Lawyers, conspiracy and frauds against Court Process
Condo does not have right to be hear in any Court due to the Contempt
Condo's improper interferences with me's private communications
The Condo's improper interferences with all my Contracts
corrupt Police Officers involved in Condo's Scandals
Caber's Property Managers and Thefts of Cheques
Conflicts and corruption between Ontario Judges
Public Offices involved in Condo's Scandals
Is this the Evidence of Repair, or Bribe?
Public NOTICE for JUNE 23, 2005
Dishonesties of the Investigators
Condo's Bad-mannered Staff
Disabilities of the Owners
Questions and Replies

Now What Should I Say?

Canadian Justice is clearly out of Equilibrium!
"Judge left hand fingers slightly penetrated my vagina!"

The Owners of Condo 935 are the Thieves,  and the Canadian Pilots are the Thieves
The Businessmen are the Thieves, the Merchants are the Thieves, and the Constables of Police are the Thieves
The Bankers are the Thieves, the Insurance Companies are the Thieves, and the Employers are the Thieves
The Judges are the Thieves, the Lawyers are the Thieves, and the Clerks of the Governments are the Thieves
The Moyers of Toronto, and Montreal are the Thieves
The Ministers of Heath, Transport, and the Attorney General of Ontario are the Thieves
The Governments of Ontario, Quebec, andCanada , so far, are the  Thieves
Poet, me Keyvan; Tortured by Toronto Police
Major is Political Asylum Seeker, as the Canadian since 1994
Condominium's Owners were involved in Tortures against Major
  • On May 1st, 2010, HARRIS Management Corporation has changed the corrupt CABER Management after 17 years crimes and felonies in MTCC 935! Harris is appointed Bengion as the site manager, who has commenced his job by a harassing letters to all owners, as the harassment and threat is main part of White Canadian Culture!
  • On September 16, 2010 Major Nourhaghighi wrote a letter to Bengion and complained against harassments of security made upon conspiracy with "constructive Theft" of University of Toronto
  • The Toronto United Church of Canada and its oppressive evil Reciprocal Agreement Church by Cruel Contract abusing the common elements against low income owners, in which Church pays only 6% of all common expenses and consuming free hydro and gas too
  • The multiple violations of the conflict of interests law:
    1- Violations of Conflict of Interests by Perez Family. since 1991 Ruben Perez purchased unit 504 and his wife Mirita Perez, owner of 701 are supportted by a corrupt group of white Canadian owners who mostly living in USA. Ruben Perez was selected by the corrupt Board Theis, Dr. Kettle, Lawyer McCann [hired by the Attorney General of Ontario]as the Superintendent to cover up their frauds in the account of Condo 935 and defects of building; whereas an owner could not be selected as Superintendent due to conflict of interest. In 1992 , McCann, who was in serious difficulty to answer the questions of the Frauds Squad Police 14 Division, arbitrary selected Mirita Perez as the member of the Board to sign with him all fabricating documents. McCann sold his unit and select Perez and the President; and since 1994, Mirita Perez as the President of the Board is in conflict of interest with Ruben Perez her husband. But this corrupt family till this date have illegally withdraw over $2,500,000.00 from our Budget as salary and benefits for Ruben Perez, and have spend over $500,000.00 from Condo Budget for legal fees to defend their own crimes and wrongs in Condo 935. Major once had got chance of review of the document and saw many illegal Cheques were signed by Mirita Perez to her husband.

    2- Violations of Conflict of Interests law by Church:
    Condo 935 is a shared building with Church in which Church abusing the common ellement by stealing hydro and gas from condo and pays only 6% of all common expenses. Since 199 Church committed over two million dollars fraud. As soon as the Owners be able to have their own members of the Board, the Church will be sued for recovery of damages. Defendant Margaret Theis must pay all damages; there are other members of the Church that illegally have purchased units in the Condo, all those units will be ceased by Order of the Court. Since 1991, the Church stealing Water, Hydro, Gas and Expensive Air Condition Hot and Cold Air from the Condo the cost of this Theft estimated over $654,000.00 since 1991. The Theft of Hydro cold be seen in Parking Level Two, where the Hydro lines, illegally goes to Church Building.

    Church and few corrupt owners did not allow Major register the Condo 935 as "Self-Governing Condo", as the result since 1991; owners have paid over $780,000.00 to the property managers to manage just 89 who have created over $2,300,000.00 fabricating bills and maliciously created by agents of Caber Managements, for example Caber gets commission from all its contractor causing the Condo's expense raise.

The following Indictment will be proposed to the Attorney General of Ontario under provision of the Criminal Code of Canada against dishonest members of the Boards and all corrupt Owners, Managers and Staff of Condo 935 who were parties and accessories to the felonies and wrongdoings Against me, my family and the many Owners:
Section 41-Trespass
Section 55-Sabotages-intentional water seep, weight machine
Section 121-Bribery of Officer; Judge McNish, Prosecutors Allen Scott and Tim Porter, et al
Section 122-Fraud by Government's Official, McCann, Kettle
Section 140-False Prosecution, Public mischief
Sections 184, 193 Wiretapping-Interception of Private Communication
Section 266-Assault: Accused: Superintendent Ruben Perez
Sections 322 & 330- Theft by person required to account, Accused: Caber Manager Vero
Section326- Theft of Electricity, Water and Gas, Accused: Toronto Thief Church!
Section 346-Threats

Section 372-Telephone: False calls, harassing calls, Interception of private comm-Section 184
Sections 368 & 375-Forgery, uttering forged document
Sections 362 & 400 False financial statement,
Section 397-Falsifying book or document:"Every one who- with intend to defraud- destroys or mutilates or alters or falsifies, or makes a false entry in- a book or paper or writing or valuable security or document -is guilty of an indictable offence;
Sections 380 & 388-Defrauding public or person, Misleading receipt
Section 402-Fail to keep books of account,
Section 429(1)-False Alarm of Fire,
Section 429 and 430 Willful damage to property and Mischief
Section 465-Conspiracy to prosecute innocent person
Sections 583, 584, 585, 586, 588 and other Sections!

In addition the corrupt Board of Directors & Caber Management are defendants for breaches of FIVE Orders of the Courts in which the prosecution against contemnor Blair is pending at the Superior Court at 360 Ave, Toronto.

Major and over sixty Owners were injured by tens count of Frauds over $2000* and other Felonies and Torts committed by members of Board of Director:
MARGRET THEIS, Dr. CHARLES KETTLE, MIRITA PEREZ, Lawyer STEPHEN B. McCANN, by creating fabricating and misleading statements. The Mayfield and Caber Managements, Kay Alexander, JOSEPH VERO the Superintendent RUBIN PEREZ and several contractors were accessories to defraud of owners. The law firms GARDINER, BLUMBERG,MARK ARNOLD,TURKSTRA,MAZZA,SHINEHOFT, MIHAILVOICH, ROSANNE GIULETTI, STEINBERG, GERTNER, LEVINE have mislead and obstructed the Ontario Civil Justice System by perjury, forgery, bribery, conspiracy abuse of court process and other professional misconduct. The defendants made false oaths, created fabricating evidence to judiciary, and offences made with real property of me. 

* Frauds over $2000 constitute a serious crime and there is no time limits application, at any time in future the Attorney General of Ontario may prosecute the Board of Directors for frauds

  • Condo's illegal and malicious refusal to provide professional services to me:
    Since 1991 the Condo is refusing to provide professional services to me, as me has suggested that the Condo shall run in Self Governing Directors and safe money and time in dealing with dishonest property managements companies, that how their incomes are made from illegal commissions from contractors; this is one of the reason that since 1991 still water seep problem not solved. The Condo is refusing to provide a copy of the book of accounts and all letters and reports of the Securities to me. No other regular services ever provided to me's property such as anti ants spraying, services of heater pump and other. Never the Board has replied to me's complaints.
  • Condo's improper interferences with me's private communications
    Since 1991 the Condo is interferring with all me's private communication, and as far as the Government and Police are involved in conspiracy and corruption, there is just nothing to stop this violation.
  • Caber's Property Managers and Thefts of Cheques
    Theft, as the tactic is one of the main strategy in the Canadian and Ontario Criminal and Civil Justice systems. Which has been reported in many cases such as the Scandal of the Canadian Peace Keeper in Somalia who tortured and killed several poor people that during the trials many documents were stolen by defense lawyers. In Condo 935, several times the master evidences of me was stolen from inside of his property, and we all know that according to malicious By-law, superintendent must have the keys of all units!
  • Condo 935's conspiracies to Sell me's Property without his Consent:
    Since 1991 the following conspiracies of Condo 935 have been noticed that me's property be sell without his consent, by direct and/or indirect malicious acts:

    1- Improper interferences with me's contract with builder, who refused to grant new mortgage contrary to its terms. At that time me was new immigrant and non of bank was granting mortgages for him. It was miracle that one of Bank finally granted. This was the most dangerous conspiracy committed by the Board and the Superintendent

    2- The Condo's Board conspired with me's lawyer, Gary Steinberg, who asked from me to suspend his maintenance fees. In this plan me property went to power sell stage that me was successful to discover the objects, and fired his dishonest lawyer.
    The Law Society refused to charge Steinberg for professional misconduct, and declared it was a professional negligence! The Ontario Court's Judge Goldenberg during trial supports Steinberg clearly and answered most of the questions that me addressed to Defendant Steinberg. Judge Goldenberg was the Second Judge of Ontario Court who steals Letter of the Law Society from Exhibits that be able to dismiss the case. me filed immediately action against Attorney General in Federal Court for Conspiracy with Federal Government; for more information please refer to Dishonest Pilots!

    3- On December 1994, by theft of a cheque, plan failed causing damages

    4- On February 15, 1996, by the way of application, plan failed, but it caused extremely bodily harm to me and extensive damages in several other me's actions and proceedings, claim in this part will be over a million dollar

    5- On July 15, 1998, by the way of Appeal C24450, plan failed, but caused serious damages in developing torts principles.

    6- Since 1991, the Condo interferring with all me's contracts that he could not have income to pay his mortgages. Several Judgments against contractors have been rendered by the Ontario Court. Since 1998, the Condo interferring with rental agreements of me with his tenants, and all tenants were forced to breach their contract with direct interferences of Superintendent Rubin Perez. Attack to financial interests is very common in the British Colonial Systems, as British never respect for people family and lives.
  • Caber Management twice has caused difficulties in the payments of the maintenance fees in according to objects of conspiracies with the Attorney General of Ontario:
    The First Case happened in the middle of three lawsuits against Governments of Canada and Ontario. In December 1, 1994, the Property Manager Joseph Vero steal the Cheque for that month that in accordance tracy of Toronto Hospital with Police, while me was spending terms in the jail, his property be sold! This plan failed and Judge Knazan declared miscarriage of justice against the Attorney General of Ontario.

    The Second Case happened in December 1999, when I had a motion before Panel on the Ontario Court of Appeal against lawyers of Attorney General of Ontario for Contempt of court's Orders. The Property Manager Blair has declared that the Master Card Cheques was not paid by Master Card; and put two NSF records against my accounts. The fabricating evidence has put before the Panel in confidential way to attack to the my credibility that helped the Attorney General runaway from the punishment of the Contempt of Court. The Bank of Montreal was involved in the said conspiracy that I sued it in the Federal Court of Canada.

    Canadians are so mean that did not let I as a Single Parent Family to have any income from the lowest jobs in the Society in last Seventeen Years that caused serious injuries to my children, and me.
  • Condo's  935 improper interferences with 's Contracts
    Since 1991, Condo 935 by all kinds of interception of private communication and spying by dishonest neighbors, its superintendents, securities officers, members of Board have discovered where are my businesses and interfere with all of them causing tens of breaches of contracts: The following are few chronological cause of action in this issue on the principle of Developing Tort till September 2005:
  • 1- Condo 935 Interference with Council Canada for canceling its mortgage; this was the most serious harm, as me was new in Canada and did not had credit record. The Superintendent furnished all information against me.
  • 2- Condo 935 Interference with his contract with Bank of Nova Scotia. Scotiabank on July 1994 was charged by Ontario Court to pay damages to me.
  • 3- Condo 935 Interference with his contract with Zaks Taxi; Zaks Taxi on 1996 was charged by Ontario Court to pay damages to me.
  • 4- Interference with his contract with Co-Op Taxi who breached his contract on the same day that me delivered document of fraud to Toronto Police 14 Division. McCann and Theis were the main party of this conspiracy. Co-Op Taxi on May 6, 1996 was charged by Ontario Court to pay damages to me.
  • 5- Condo 935 Interference with his contract with Rat Lawyer Steinberg. The charge was dismissed by the Ontario Court me brought action against Attorney General to the Federal Court and for conspiracy Judge Goldenberg!
  • 6- Condo 935 Interference with his contract with Maple Leaf Taxi, Maple Leaf Taxi on July 1996 was charged by Ontario Court to pay damages to me.
  • 7- Condo 935 Interference with his contract with Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce. CIBC on November 7, 1995 was charged by Ontario Court to pay damages to me.
  • 8- Condo 935 Interference with me contract with Airline Training Resources Ltd.
    action was dismissed against dishonest Canadian Senior Pilots
  • 9- Condo 935 Interference with me contract with Toronto Airways Limited
    action was dismissed against dishonest Canadian Senior Pilots
  • 10- Condo 935 Interference with his contract with Metro Taxi, The Metro Taxi on November 7 1995 was charged by Ontario Court to pay damages to me.
  • 11- Condo 935 Interference with his contract with ANS Taxi, The ANS Taxi three times was charged by Ontario Court to pay damages to me, but the process abused and the judgment set aside, the case still is before the court.
  • 12- Condo 935 Interference with his contract with RAT Lawyer Levine; the case is before the Court, after all kins of frauds and tricks by the Attorney General!
  • 13- Condo 935 Interference with his contract with Tenants, this cause of action still is on developing torts…
  • 14- Condo Conspired with Bank of Montreal to reject me's cheques where me sued Bank of Montreal in the Federal Court
  • 15- On September 13, 2001, Condo's Biochemical attacks to me's Home and Hallway caused sever injuries and damages
  • 16- On October 15, 2001, Condo conspired with Terrorists and Criminal Organization ended to assault against me and his daughter.
  • Condo's improper interferences with me's telephone and cable lines
    Since 1992, Condo 935 stealing all types of my communications
    The above cases were few actionable torts, there are hundreds other nuisances and torts that is hard to prove in the court, such as continuous interferences with my contracts with Telephone companies, Internet Providers, and other services that a home may need. They have stolen ample court documents, and obstructed service of documents.
  • The Caber's Property Manager Vero in October 26, 1995 trespassed Major's Property with force to two members of Metro Police and several plumber to cut the ceiling. me defend sharply his property and kick those pigs out of his property. Caber few months later claims about $300 for attendance of plumber; me dispute the claim in the court as the date for repair, maliciously, was selected by Vero to interfere with Major's preparations to prosecute Forty parties of the Attorney General in eight claims in the Court on November 7, 1995[including prosecution against Senior Lawyers Alfred Kwinter for conspiracy in a claim against Metro Toronto Police, and against the CIBC, and several other companies. In is important to note that me won against ALL defendants' best lawyers in the Town, which shocked the Attorney General!].
    Since 1995, Caber each month is sending Notices and added over $700 Interests for $300!, NOW you can calculate one the same principles how much there will be the interests charges for over one million dollar damages that Condo must pay to me!
  • The Condo's bad-manner by staffs,  have root to illegal interferences and support of the Toronto Courts at downtown and 14  Division of Police. Board of Directors is criminal and has illegal support of few corrupt of courts in downtown Toronto, having very bad-manner and rude behavior toword immigrants; they are receiving their salaries from us. Few corrupt staff on May 6th, 2000, after water seep to me's property; the Property Manager Liza Blair was extremely rude with me after he informed her from the Emergency in the Building. Since May 7, 2000, I made OATH to be rude with all Canadian in the face of World Wide Web by insulting to Theft Queen Elizabeth that has created such contemptuous life for people of Ontario with a group of thieves in the Government of Ontario!

View Larger Map, Then Toronto corrupt cop Follert pulled Major Nourhaghighi with his tie to a cell on the ground floor shown above; assaulted and
torture him by nine dirty Toronto Police and court securities, in which he was forced to the floor and a criminal court security Morrison with 250 lb
sat on him and forced his knees until broken Major's ribs then he was beaten by nine members of police and they left when they thought Major was dead
On February 6, 1997, Major by Mandamus Application asked from corrupt Judge John Wilkins to ask the Toronto Police corrupt Chief Boothby to
release the name of Nine Toronto Police Offenders; Wilkins J who was drunk on the bench dismissed his application.

Major Nourhaghighi's Encyclopedia 2010
On February 15, 1996 the Toronto Police-Marcy Green and Attorney General of Ontario-Allan Scott, with a forged
transcript of November 16, 1995, and commencement of a Malicious Prosecution have tried to get an Order by Madam
Justice Boland to force Major Nourhaghighi to put his property on sale and its value be decreased 10%
each month until be sold. They planned to not allow a real buyer to buy it until Scott be able
to buy a $350,000.00 value property for less than $50,000.00 as they did with other
Immigrants; but Major Nourhaghighi won the case, ended to anger of Scott
and Toronto Police who torture Major on December 11, 1996

February 15th , 2010

The Internet is a powerful and positive forum for free expression.
It is the place where "any person can become a town crier with
a voice that resonates farther than it could from any soapbox,"

House Committee to Consider Censorship Bills

The White British Canadian Terrorist Criminal Organization are behind the Toronto newspaper the Globe & Mail
Major Nourhaghighi's pending Lawsuit against the Globe & Mail and the White British Canadian Terrorist Criminal Organization
Major Nourhaghighi's FACTUM as against the Globe and Mail and members of White British Canadian Terrorist Criminal Organization
Corrupt Reporter Peter Cheney's Malicious Report against Major Nourhaghighi on the Globe & Mail, intentionally omitted all
productive facts about Major Nourhaghighi and added not founded materials showing Canadian Media is a voice of
the White British Canadian Terrorist Criminal Organization, Force, Injustice, Abuse, and Fraud in which the
Outrageous actions of the Defendants Cheney & the Globe & Mail constitute Obstruction of Justice,
Contempt of Court, Misleading Justice, Assault and Slander & Libel at " Major Keyvan's War "

View Larger MapTo Serve Lawsuit to the Globe & Mail you need to do it personal service at
444 Front St. W., Toronto, ON Canada M5V 2S9
View Larger Map
A Portuguese Criminal RUE hired by the Ontario Government & Transport Canada to kill
Major Nourhaghighi in May 7, 1993 ; Rue caused serious injuries to Major
taken him to a hospital by ambulance. However, Major was able to
arrest Rue and charge him for aggravated assault & attempt to
murder. Corrupt Judge Hyrn & Crown conspired and
dismissed charges against their agent Rue
$100,000,000.00 Damages
to Canadian Taxpayers

The said Crown Organized Crime on May 7, 1993involved a large numbers of corrupt Pilots, Judges, Lawyer, Police,
Flying Schools, ,Businesses, Doctors, Hospitals, Dentists, Banks, Insurance Companies,
Major Nourhaghighi Encyclopedia 2010
Iranian-Canadian Criminial Organzation in Toronto is known as "Iranian Plaza"
is a center of criminal organization having full control of all businesses from Yonge & Finch to Richmond Hill
they operate as cover up verity stores food/restaurants, doctors' offices or Exchange; but their real business is prostitution, drug and smuggling

View Larger Map
Corrupt Athletic Centre of University of Toronto
involved in countless crime and wrong against Major Nourhaghighi
and numerously misled and obstructed justice system in Ontario & Canada's Courts
University of Toronto AC is a dirty Thief
January 1996 to July 19, 2016
Major Nourhaghighi's Encyclopedia 2016

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