Sunday, 17 July 2016

Canada by Unlawful Interception of Countless Banks and Corporations Manipulated Major Nourhaghighi's Business With them (See Samples) هکرهای دولت کانادا ازحسابهای سرگرد نورحقیقی را در بانکها و شرکتها کلاهبرداری کردند

Autobiography of Major Nourhaghighi
July 19, 1990 to January 4, 2019
Canadian Counter-Dictionary, and Human Rights' Violations in Canada

A   B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z

Major Nourhaghighi's Encyclopedia 2016

Sample of Ample Notice of Claims Since 1990
Author: Major Keyvan Nourhaghighi Ontario
Separatist Tortured by the Canadian Police

Canadian Hate Canada
Canadian Hate American 
Major Nourhaghighi's Proof by Google Trendv

مرگ بر ملکه فاسد انگلیس و قضات دزدش زنده باد آزادی تمام استانهای کانادا

C;  Ca;  Can;  Canada v. Major Nourhaghighi; against Canadian Security Intelligence Service
 Canadian corrupt Judges; CSIS; Canadian Tire; Corrupt Pilot Carlick;  Cassel;  Chandhoke; Complaints; Corrupt Ciraco
Corrupt Coachman;  Concelos;  Corrupt Condo 935; Constructive Industry;  Judge Coo;  Corrupt Court Clerk;
Crawford; Costs; Canadian Government Multi Culture Criminal Organization;
 Cromwell, Customers; Rat Lawyer Czernick

February 8, 2008 This Complaint contains Personal Banking Information
Rick Waugh, the President, Scotiabank Major Keyvan Nourhaghighi
44 King St. West 608-456 College Street
Toronto, ON, M5H 1H1 Toronto, ON, M6G 4A3
Fax: 416 933 1777, 1-877-700-0045
Dear President:
This is a serious complaint against Scotia On Line Banking, and your branch at College & Bathurst in Toronto, branch #01172, Manager Renee Omlas and Personal Banking Officer Darren Shamess at for misconduct, abuse of authority and conspiracy.
1. Since 1990 I have business with Scotiabank in which since 1998 I moved my account to the said branch. I had mortgage that I experienced many unlawful withdraws; it is paid off. I had Scotia Visa that due to continuous errors I returned the card. In this period I suffered torts and damages due to continuous Data Errors in my accounts; by “Data Errors” I mean that there were numerous unlawful withdraws from my account that managers had no explanations.
2. Second typed of errors is a serious nuisance in nature; while I had sufficient fund in my accounts, for few hours, or for few days my balance were showing ZERO ending my cheques were not paid and NSF certificate issued against me by bank or corporations that had policy of fines for returned cheques. For example, once I had more than $50,000.00 in my account, but Scotiabank did not pay my cheque for $475; in another case did not pass my Cheque to the City of Toronto for tax; and charged me about $40 + Interest. The bank never compensated me for my time and general damages, and the especial damages.
3. Scotia On Line banking is unreliable too. I was one of the first customers that used this service. Bank was awarding $30-$150 to customers who use this service. I saw that the amount was added to my account, but soon it disappeared! Branch told me having no control on Internet Banking, and I did not receive any answer from managers at Internet banking. Thus, I stop using it until last November. The other strange thing was about my GST return that for about a year data was not showing. I filed action T-339-07 against Federal Crown, in sudden all GST that the Government was deposited to my account has shown.
4. Finally, “False & Fraudulent Transactions” in my accounts was the main cause of action against Scotiabank & several other banks in file number T-1535-00 before the Federal Court, the Federal Court of Appeal and the Supreme Court of Canada. The Crown, and the Canadian Security intelligent Service (“CSIS”) after 9/11 they trespassed my accounts and have created false transactions. Since 2001 the Scotiabank at College & Bathurst has main role in sabotages.
Therefore, in July 2001, I closed all my accounts and investments with Scotiabank except a saving account-Scotia Gain Plan, which had no service charges for limited activities.
On June 2007 The Department of Justice in Toronto (“DJT”) commenced an expensive
Application T-1020-07 against me at Federal Court, and as part of object to win the case, asked CSIS to trespass all my banks accounts, and created forged contract by signing my name, and involved me in very stressful daily heavy works to correct all mistakes that raised torts.
A. COMPAINT v. Personal Banking Officer Darren Shamess:
5. In sudden, from July to November 2007 there were twelve different types of fees in my account in total amount of $22.56, and as far as I intentionally did not deposit to this account, so my account has gone to Negative Balance, where since 1990 that I came to Canada, never my accounts in any banks has gone to Negative Balance. And the Crown has given the said record as against my credibility, where always Scotiabank does this kind of crimes against me.
I did NOT applied for overdraft protection for my saving account, as I was not using this account. However, the bank arbitrary has given $550 credit to be able to hold my account in the Negative Balance from August 2007 to November 2007 that finally the Federal Court made Order against the Crown with award of costs to me in file T-1020-07.
IT IS IMPORTANT to note that Scotiabank did not wrote any letter to me that my account was in the Negative Balance, that I take action on it.
TAKE NOTICE that Darren told me there would be no hold in my cheuqes up to $2000, or if cheuqes were more than $2000, the hold would be on rest of amount more than $2000.
B. On December 18, 2007, I spend more than four hours with staff Darren, and he talked with manager and other staffs to find out the grounds and finally has put $22.50 in my account as service fee reversal. On same day, Darren has changed the type of my account to Scotia Plus and confirmed that there were no service charges in this type of account. However, on January 2, 2008, again, I attended at the Scotiabank, and spend over one hour to find out why there was again “ODP” charge in my account. Darren had no explanation.
TAKE NOTICE that in sudden there were ample errors in my accounts with all other Banks & Credit Cards that proves beyond a reasonable doubt that the Crown was trespassing all my accounts; however, yet the banks are liable. I regret that banks taking no legal action against the Crown, where the Judiciary is willing to hear and convict the Crown. IF I can win against the Crown, then for the banks’ lawyers it would be very simple, in particular that I am ready to be the witness of the banks against the criminal wrongdoings of a group of corrupt lawyers of the
Crown who are involved in smuggling of heroin from IRAN, as I pleaded in my action T-1900-96.
Finally several Toronto Police Constables, mostly from 52 Division where branch #01172 is located were arrested. However the corrupt judges and lawyers, intentionally, delayed the trials against the said corrupt Constables that finally all charged were dismissed as the National Post reported in page A18 on February 6, 2008. One of the main accusations against staff of branch # 1172 is committing wrong against my accounts pursuant to conspiracy with said Constables.
C. On December 18, 2007, at 2PM I clearly told Darren that: “I would move part of my business and investments to Scotiabank”; transitions indicating several deposit in total amount of $37,866.69. Since January 11, 2008 the actions of Darren & Manager Omlas are outrageous and wanton that caused me nervous shock and mental anguish for breaches of all fundamental of trust between the Bank & Client, and violations of the Bank Act and my contract wit the banks. Numerous crimes and wrongs have committed by Darren& Manager Omlas in this period, that the following are sample of that.
(i) On January 16, 2008, about 9AM, I tried to pay $50.52 to my Rogers Cable account via Scotia On Line Banking. I had $16,416.64 in my account in which I deposited three cheuqes in total amount of $14779.48 on January 9, 10 and 11, 2008. If we consider that still on January 16, there were hold on said cheuqes, still I had right to have access to $2137.16 +550 Overdraft + $2000 not hold on cheuqes $4687.16. However, after I completed the form for $50.52, and pressed “Submit”. A red notice said my balance was “0.00”. I was unable to understand, as never happen in whole my life. I tried twice, the result was same and I was shocked.
(ii) I went to the Scotiabank Machine at College & Bathurst to withdrawal $20, the Machine did not pay asked me to contact with bank. I tried to up-to-date my passbook to find out what happened, I got said reply: contact with bank.
(iii) I went and talked with Darren who was sitting behind his desk. I said “Hi, how are you?”, I got no reply. Darren was stare at me like a suspect of crime; he was very angry, unable to talk.
Darren manner was clear of insult offered no chair, and even did not ask me to get in his office.
So, while I was standing outside and door was open, I said the problems that I witnessed on the On Line Banking & Machine. Darren said that he knew it and “ Your account is freeze”. Again, after 50 years banking this was the first time I heard that all my found was freeze. I asked, what do you mean by freeze. Darren said it is hold in whole your account. I was shocked again, and asked if I could sit and hear his explanations. Up to 4:30PM I was in the bank that day, and what I heard it was just “bullshits, bullshits, and bullshits!” from Manager Omlas & Darren.
(iv) Who ordered that my account be freeze? During six hours, Manager Omlas& Darren did not give me a clear answer that who made order to freeze my account. These are sample of reply that I got from SCOTIABANK’s Manager& Officer: “Manager did it!”, ”No! Darren did it!”, “Yes, I did it, because Manager said!”, “No, I did not order!” “Someone in bank did it”, “Someone out of bank did it.”, “Main branch Scotia Plaza did it”.
(v) Why my account was freeze? Again, during six hours I did not get a clear answer; Manager Omlas & Darren who were in impression that I was uneducated immigrant and simply could get away from it; at the begging were very rude and oppressive, and even Manager Omlas asked me to close my account. I said clearly that I would NOT close my account, where Omlas repeated several times, now in different words and manners, even on January 22, 2008 that again another serious error happed that: “Why you are NOT closing your account, take your
business somewhere else?” Once Scotiabank paid huge legal fees to reply to my complaint to the Canadian Human Rights Commission & Federal Court in file T-15350-00, now again Olmas has raised the same grounds of complaint and discriminatory practices in services.
(vi) Manager Omlas wanted that I close my account on same day of December 16, 2008 that in case the warrant for arrest issued by a judge to appear and testify says that he closed his account and the amount of “0.00” is standard practice to show after account was closed. And I want to prove before a trail judge that I had over $4000.00 in my account and bank, unlawfully and pursuant to object of conspiracy denied access to my found, when I need it. To the best of my banking records I must have highest credits, as I honored fully my banking responsibilities.
(vii) Manager Omlas & Darren has very offensive tones and manners. Omlas, repeatedly asking me, with contempt & condemn that: “Why you are doing THIS… Why you are doing THIS…” Several times I asked her “THIS? What do you mean by THIS, what I did which was wrong or fault” I got no answer, she was going to her office and returning back to Darren Office, pulling me to a corner, while standing again telling me: “Why you are doing THIS…” “Are you Senior Fighter Pilot? …Oh… Why you are doing THIS”. The words and actions of Manager Omlas & Darren has proven to me that both of them were in state of shocked too. Because when they entered into a conspiracy with the Crown & MBNA Canada, non of them were told my real identification and very good legal knowledge, otherwise they may would not agree to commit a crime against a citizen who well know in prosecution of corrupt police & lawyers.
Dr. John Jamal, in defence filed before the College, stated: “I did not know he was Senior Fighter Pilot, otherwise I would not have misconduct” Jamal was accused of conspiracy with Toronto Police. Judges Vibert Lampkin & Todd Ducharme of Ontario Courts in defence before Judicial Council stated similar wording. They were accused of conspiracy with lawyers& police.
I am fully aware of the types of accusations, libel & slander that the Crown, Judge, Lawyers & Police using against immigrants. Now a reasonable man must think how hard I fight in this systematically racism system and got judgments against CIBC, Scotiabank, the Crown’s Lawyers & Police. One of the main reasons that I delayed filing this complaint was to not allow my extreme frustration shows by the worst dirty words. Yet, I am very frustrated.
(viii) After several telephone calls and continuous leaving the room for sometimes more than hour and returning, finally Manager Omlas & Darren started asking me the following questions:
(1) From where your cheuqe dated January 9, [08] for $9350 is coming? I replied: “ Cheuqe had all information, why you are asking me? It is President Choose (“PC”) Master Card.
Omlas: “Darren call PC Master Card and verify it”. Shockingly, the telephone of PC Master Card that usually answering within FIVE minutes, did NOT ANSWER FOR OVER ONE HOUR! In this period Darren persistently asking me to leave and he would check himself. I did NOT accept and said that his conversation must be at my presence. Darren was very nervous and panic said: “I don’t know why they are not answering!” I told him: “I know! Those people that you conspired with them, now they are trespassing PC Master Card telephone line, and it is NOT going to answer soon, as they are trying to enter into negotiation with PC Master Card to not honor the Cheque for $9350”. Finally, PC Master Card replied, a female asked me all kinds of security questions. But, I had my book with me and answered all her questions. Then, PC Master Card clearly stated that has paid the amount of $9350 to Scotiabank on January 9.
(2) From where your cheuqe of January 11 [2008] for $5000 is coming? My account with PC
(3) From where your cheuqe dated January 11, [2008] for $500 is coming? That was NOT cheque, it was CASH I deposit to Machine. “Oh! It was NOT cheque, why they did not mentioned that it was cash, let me ask the officer to verify it.
(3) From where on January 10, 2008 your cheque for $6400 is coming? I replied that MBNA Canada sent an expired cheuqe to me, and I took it back from the clerk.
5. Since June 2007 I involved with the Crown in new legal proceeding, and since July 2007 there are ample errors in my accounts. All these continuous errors have put excessive pressure and stress on me ended to making inappropriate economical decisions, losses, and mental anguish due to shocking professional misconduct of Manager Omlas and other staffs.
The following are sample of ample errors and professional misconducts:
CC Scotiabank's Ombudsman, 1-866 787 7061; (416) 933-3276
Ombudsman for Banking Services and Investments, 416-287-2877
Sarabjit Marwah Vice-Chairman and Chief Administrative Officer; 416 933 1777
Christopher J. Hodgson Executive Vice-President, Head of Domestic Personal Banking
Via Altamria: Fax 416 203 7479
Kim McKenzie is Executive Vice-President, Information Technology and Solution
Scotiabank Solicitor on the record: Hamilton, Fax 416 ….. 
October 8, 2010, Complaint against President's Chose Master Card
September 22, 2010, Complaint against Toronto Police, 52 Division
September 16, 2010, Complian against Harassment of Condo's Security

July 29, 2009: Reply to Major Nourhaghighi's Complaint against Direct Energy
July 21, 2009: Major Nourhaghighi's Complaint against Direct Energy
May 9,2009: Major Nourhaghighi Complaint to CRTC v. Rogers Cable
June 20, 2009: Major Nourhaghighi Complaint to CRTC v. Bell "SOLO"

November 21: 2008: Major Nourhaghighis Complaint to CRTC v. Rogers Cable & Telephone
February 13, 2008 Major Nourhaghighis Complaint v. MBNA Canada
February 8, 2008: Major Nourhaghighis Complaint v. ScotiaBANK

December 19, 2005: Major Nourhaghighi's Complaint to CRTC v. Radio Sedaye Iran, Toronto for propaganda & Insults v. Muslim
October 5th, 2005: Major Nourhaghighi's Complaint v. Athletic Centre or or Physical Education Athletic Centre of University of Toronto ("AC")

November 21, 2002: Major Nourhaghighi's Complaint against TD Bank to David M. Fisher, Ombudsman; TD Bank Financial Group; Office of the Ombudsman
October 17, 2002: Major Nourhaghighi's Complaint against TD Bank to David M. Fisher, Ombudsman; TD Bank Financial Group
August 21, 2002: Major Nourhaghighi's Complaint against ScotiaBank to Scotiabank’s Ombudsma

May 20, 2009
Major Nourhaghighi's Complaint to the CRTC Comp v. Rogers Cable;
CRTC Complaint No. 05010400024269, Please record and retain this number for future reference. The complaint process begins the next business day after we receive and analyze your complaint.
This is a complaint against Rogers Communication Inc (Rogers) for fraud in the billing, defective service delivery, breach of contract, nuisance, harassment and abuse of authority
1- On or about November 2005 I made a contract with Rogers for “Express” Internet Service $45.86/M. However, since 2005 Rogers never honored the rate and continuously has committed fraud in the billing in such I am extremely frustrated form countless calling and objecting to the false bills of $50.86/M.
Thus Rogers has defrauded me about $165.
2- On or about October 2008, I talked with a manager admitted there was error, thus I got $45.86 to March 2009, when I called Rogers and asked to terminate the service due to continuous defects. The Staff told me that “Your billing cycle is April 5, 2009, and you paid until that day, and your balance would be ZERO for April 2009” She disregarded to give $500 credit to me for the said overcharging & defective services in last three years, and times that I spent in calling Rogers.
3- However, on April 2009, I got a bill for $47.79. I called Rogers and made a complaint, that I called on March and returned my MODEM; I had no Internet; but staff was very rude and she said that: “We have no record of your call on March but you will not receive any bill and your account will show ZERO for May”. However, today I got another Bill from Rogers for $24.98 for “cancellation fee!” Neither staff on March nor on April they said that there would be cancellation fee, NO my contract say that if after THREE Years you discontinue must pay such fee.
4- Since 2005 Rogers has shown no attempt to reply to my complaints about all defective services “Cable, Telephone, and Internet” and took NO proper action to correct all defects. Staff are mostly rude, arrogant, and careless, and whatever a staff promise the other ignore it in totality; for example for Telephone a staff said I would have my last phone number 415 513 0672 in next day, but another staff said it to would take One Month, so I cancelled the telephone service. Same as Internet, in last four years I called continuously that: 1- I pay for “Express Internet” buy you have given me the slowest Internet which is $24.98, thus you owe me $1000 [for 4 years] that I paid extra for “Express Internet”. Furthermore, the Internet was ‘disconnecting few days during each months at different hours of days and nights, in which I claimed $175 for all days that I did not had Internet.
5- Rogers is in breaches of several terms of contract, where clearly stated would reply to complaints for billing, defective services and refunds of overcharging. In addition, there is NO term in contract to say if a customer cancels his/her service after THREE YEARS yet must pay “Cancellation fee”
6- The aforesaid Rogers’ actions when compared with the Standard of Service in Canada are wanton and outrageous disregard of my rights and damages, Furthermore, continuously committing frauds in the BILLS and harassing to enforce the “False Bills” by bullies and creating “Bad Credit” for innocent customers like me constitute Nuisance, Harassment and abuse of authority, in which I am entitle to $1,000,000 Award of Punitive Damages.
7- In final I owe nothing to Rogers, thus from today I will refuse to pay any fraudulent bill made by Rogers, and I claim $1675 as General & Special Damages and expected to be paid forthwith for all my damages & overpayments.
Rogers Communication Inc
Nuisance & Harassment
Billing error
Contract dispute (compliance with terms and commitments)
Service delivery (installation, repair and disconnection)

View Larger Map
Complaint v. Bell Canada -SOLO to CRTC with number 02010300026721
On June 20, 2009, I went to Solo Cart at Dufferin Mall [Dealer SC062 SOLO CART], Toronto to get information. A female staff was providing me some details that a black staff "Robert James" pulled her away and talked with her privately, so she stepped aside and Robert talked with me, and several times confirmed that for $20.00 plan [SLUM20-24] my bill will be $22.60, not a penny more; thus I signed a contract with Bell Canada. However, on June 28, I got a bill for $27.16. I called Bell Canada & Solo they said that I must contact with the dealer. I called Robert, he said come I will solve the problem. Today I went Dufferin Mall and talked with Robert. He was very rude and was not ready to answer. His position was that he did everything correctly but Bell & Solo over charged me, I asked him to talk with customer service, he refused. I asked him to go to the Internet, he said we don't have [while they have]. I told him that other staff went to my account; he raised his voice: "You are making me ANGRY!". But I told him that he had duty to reply so he opened my account and said you have talked within your limit and I don't know why they over charge you "Your Bill must give all details." I came home, and login into my account, but there was NO detail for $27.16. Also there was a note that IF I do NOT provide "preauthorize payment" there would be $2.00 charge against my bill every month. This is breach of contract. Neither dealer nor contract talk about that. I will NOT go back to dealer as he was very rude and his gesture when said " You are making me Angry" was harassment. Also I will NOT pay the Bill and there is NO explanation and no one is ready to answer I claim $2500.00 for my time wasted since June 20, 2009 by four times attending at Dufferin Mall, and several calls to Bell& Solo; and several hours wasted for "Registration" whereas, my computer crushed due to bugs in "Solo" website" and I spent four hours to reinstall Windows and other software.
Mjaor Nourhaghighi
Thank You Thank you. Your incident tracking number is: 02010300026721 Please record and retain this number for future reference. The complaint process begins the next business day after we receive and analyze your complaint.

July 29, 2009
Thank you for your message. Your comment/question has been directed to the appropriate Direct Energy team. Click here to return to the previous page.
I have intention to have a serve Direct Energy with a Lawsuit, for conspiracy with criminal organization at "College Street, Toronto" to refuse my legal right on Warranty of GE Microwave.
I have already filed a complaint with BBB & Your office, and I have informed that on Sept I will serve you with a lawsuit.
Thus I need these information FOR the COURT. If you refuse to provide info, or provide false info; it will be a Charge of Contempt of Court & Obstruction of Justice:
1-What is full legal name of "Direct Energy, responsible for residential warranty"
2- Who is Manger of that Department
3- His/her Full mailing address
4- His/her Telephone & Fax; email
5- Law Firm or Lawyer Names who represent Direct Energy
Full address, phone, fax, email, that the Statement of Claim be serve to them.
IF these information not be provided, all names that I have would be in the Style of Cause
such as "James Temple" or others
ALSO I use all my write to post all documents in Internet & Youtube against Direct Energy.
The staff who conspired with the criminal organization and drug sellers are:
1- Richard Fortier
accuse of bribery and conspiracy on July 16, 2009; he clearly told me that would bring a new Microwave, and another guy to help him to install [The person who attended on July 16 & 29 in my property]
2- MAOY "Executive Director" who on July 21, 2009, clearly conspiracy with criminal via Telephone conference, I here their conversation; she was simply repeating whatever told her to say:
"No! there is no order for new Microwave...there is no schedule for two' and so".
3- I will provide evidence to the COURT that the criminal have access to the "Computer Data" of DE and maliciously changing the info.


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2225 Sheppard Avenue East1st Floor, Atria II ITORONTO, ON M2J 5C2
Dear Mr. Ward-MathisIII
This is a complaint against DIRECT ENERGY ESSENTIAL HOME SERVICES for poor services and torts.
1- on June 6, 2009 I bought this new GE Microwave that has One Year Full Warranty.
2- One of Balance Bolt was defective, thus Microwave is unbalance.
3- On July 9, 2009 I called GE; they got my information and said that service man would come within 24 Hours to 48.
4- On Friday July 10, 2009, a rude female staff of "Direct Energy called and said that the service man would come on Wednesday between "8AM to 5PM" and he would call us; contrary to GE's submissions with in 24-48H.
5- Thus I cancelled all my scheduling for July 15; and waited until the service man called and said:"between 2 to 4 or 5!" he would come. However at 1PM a female called from Direct Energy that he could NOT make today, and would come tomorrow!
6- Thus I must cancel all my tomorrow scheduling, thus I claim $700 loses for two days against Direct Energy!
A-Microwave must be replace with new one, and Direct Energy must install it; as once I paid for installation
B- $700 for lost of my two days must be paid, or I will go to the Court!
Major Nourhaghighi
BBB's reply:
Your complaint has been submitted and has been assigned tracking number
An email will arrive shortly confirming your complaint.We suggest you print a copy of this page for your records
NOTE # 1: Since July 19, 1990 the Crown is obstructing Major Nourhaghighi in each & every businesses thus over 100,000 files existing against the Canadian for crimes against him, search of Google, Youtube MSN, Break etc.
Note # 2: On July 21, 2009 Energy Direct Executive Director MAOY in a clear conspiracy with the agent of the Crown, in a telephone conference denied that his staff of Friday July 17, 2009 at 8:30AM stated that Microwave must be changed, and two men would come within two day with a New Microwave to change it. MAOY consent to the legal proceeding against ED and stated that had no respect for the LAW that gives Warranty in Ontario! And with bad faith sat July 29, 2009 that a person comes and repair it.

February 13, 2008 This Complaint contains Personal Banking Information; CONFIDENTIAL
Ombudsman for Banking Services and Investments
P.O. Box 896, Station Adelaide, t
Toronto, ON M5C 2K3
Fax: 1-888-422-2865 or 416-225-4722
This is a serious complaint against MBNA Canada Bank, Master Card (“MNBA”) for conspiracy against my credit record and theft of my information, and abuse of authority.
I was unable to find their mailing address, fax or telephone for filing a complaint, and their staff are rude and rejected to provide me with information that I am entitled to.
ON December 29, 2008, I discovered that my MBNA number was stolen and there were charges in my EBAY account. Thus I immediately informed MNBA, who asked me to call back next day and talk with the fraud department at Ottawa.

November 21, 2008
CRTC; Complaint v. ROGERS;
CRTC confirmation TIME 8:52PM; November 21, 2008; Reference number: 423058
Dear Sir/Madam
This is a complaint against Rogers for abuses in customer services related to land telephone & Cable services:
1- On November 17, 2008, I called Rogers at "Sell Number"
1-800-485-3543 to order a land telephone line. The line answered without a second delay; A female staff LUCI talked with me, and said: "Tomorrow a technician between 8-11AM will come, will bring you a 'telephone' free of charge, and would set the line".
2- On November 18, 2008, at 10:40AM Rogers' technician Vladimir came and said that the 'line' would use Cable, that LUCI did NOT talk about, otherwise I would not make such order. Vlaqimir pushed me to remove TV & Cabinet in front of Cable outlet.Thus,I suffered back injury in moving them, and also, my TV Antenna outlet has broken, that I have no access to TV now.
3- I asked Vlaqimir for 'telephone set' that Luci said he will bring. Vlaqimir said nothing is given to me, and you must call customer service.
4- Vlaqimir has given me a telephone number of 647 343 1397, whereas Luci said you will have your last phone number with Bell "416 515 0672".
5- Thus, about 2PM, on same day Nov 18; I went out and called Rogers at said number and explained the above poor services. Staff asked me to call 1-888-746-3771. I called and after a nuisance process of talking with computer, finally a female staff ("Jane Doe #1")replied and whatever she told me was contradictory to LUCI verbal contract with me. Doe # 1 said that we must do a paper work with Bell, and on Saturday November 22nd between 5-8PM a technical will come and would set the number 416 515 0672 for you.[While they could set it there and it was not require to attend to my home"
6- Doe #1 said that an order for a 'telephone' set is sent out you will received it by urgent post "Tomorrow"; but you can go wal-mart and buy a telephone for $20 until you get that!
7- I asked for "call ID" instead of "voice mail"; she said: "I changed it for you!"
8- I bought a phone from Wal-Mart, but when I connected, I saw there was still voice-mail, and I got continuous message and calls for "Charlotte" the owner of number 647 343 1397.
9- On Friday November 21, 2008, at 5PM again I called two suspicious call, and a call for "Charlotte".
10- I also received a Rogers' computer message that a technician would come to my place on "December 21!!". The message was disturbing as the computer voice was harassing and in funny way pronouncing my names.
11. From 5:30PM to 7:32PM I called several times Rogers on said numbers to cancel "home phone" for disturbances". I noticed that my call were intercepted and different agents in the name of Rogers' staff replied. [I had several complaint against Bell for same cause before; RE Federal Court File T-1535-00 v. CRTC et al.] The particular of the said Rogers disturbances & nuisances are extensive and there are about two pages of notes.
12. In the said two hours period, staff continuously put me on HOLD and tried their best to make me very upset. Each, staff asking for my full information, which was very frustrating; then in the end they were saying: "I will put you on hold for moment" and they never answer. Or they were saying: "I will transfer you to other department" and line would disconnected.
13. The last three staff that I talked with were male staff Brain, female staff Brine, and MATT; non of them canceled my service and put me on hold.
I TOLD CLEARLY TO ALL OF THEM, that from my point of view the service in canceled due to EXTREMELY POOR SERVICE & Nuisances for five days. I told them clearly that I would NOT pay a penny if they continue the telephone service. Brain told me that there would no NO CHARGE WHATSOEVER against my account, yet he did not confirm that telephone service was discondencned. At 7:32 MATT called my Home, and intentionally told me "I have to put you on HOLD! " to cause me nervous shock, in which I became very upset and disconcent the phone.
14. In addition, since November 18, 2008 that telephone line added to my Cable Internet with Rogers; my computer has got numerous errors and problems. Before, also, my Internet and TV cable with Rogers had difficulties, in which services were disconnected, but Rogers never has given me credit for that. Again the similar problems, the technician department was asking me to call another number for credit and that number was never responding. Thus, I returned one of my TV terminal and at present time I have no access to TV and my TV antenna is broken due to Rogers' negligence in informing me properly that they use Cable.
15. I request this complaint be investigated y the Commission, and Rogers be charged for "Fraud" "Insulting Nuisance" & "Misrepresentation".
Major Keyvan Nourhaghighi

December 19, 2005: Major Nourhaghighi's Complaint to CRTC v. Radio Sedaye Iran, Toronto for propaganda & Insults v. Muslim
Dear Dir/Madam:
This is a serious objection and Complaint against the poisonous broadcasting of the programs against Muslims and our beliefs by the corrupt the “Radio Sedaye Iran, Toronto” broadcasting from the City of Richmondhill, Toronto, Ontario. I shall add that the term of the “Radio Sedaye Iran” is a common term used by individual owners or corporations everywhere in the World; only the last word makes a distinction between the stations-[“Sedaye” is a Persian word and it means “Voice”].
On or about year 2003 a long distance company “Goldline”, was giving a ‘radio’ as a gift to its costumers who purchase over $60 long distance card. I got two sets of radios in which on their face is written “Radio Sedaye Iran R-505C, Toronto” and on their back has written “This radio complies with FCC Rules”. The radio operates during 24/7, and continuously broadcasting in Persian that “This is Radio Sedaye Iran, Toronto”, that its owners and manager are: SHAHRIYAR AHMADI and AFSANEH AHMADI with telephone number: 905 886 6655. I heard myself, numerously, that Afsaneh Ahmadi said in the radio that: “We are responsible for all ads and programs in this radio; we have accepted that responsibility and we are liable for all programs in this radio!” This message is totally different with other radio stations messages that ignoring their own liability and addressing it to the program makers and ads given.
The “Radio Sedaye Iran, Toronto” never broadcasted the name of the “Speaker” who is apparently is the writer of his own program, which is on the air every Monday at 3PM.
Today, December 19, 2005, between 3 to 4 PM there was a program, as part of continuous programs on Mondays, in which the male “Speaker” directly attacked and insulted to my believe and religion as Muslim. The corrupt “Speaker” insulted to our most important holly men, St. ALI and St. ABASS and by very stupid examples made fun of our Beliefs. The corrupt Shameless “Speaker” stated:
“St. Ali and St. Abass were killed 1400 years ago in the wars. Today Muslims are pleadings to St Ali and St. Abass to help them to solve their difficulties. These Muslims are unable to understand that St Ali and St Abass were died 1400 years ago and they are not able to help them in their Today Problems. [continued with a with funny voice] Further St. Abass’ arms were cut from his body during the war. How a man without arm can help to these Muslims.] I called twice all numbers of The “Radio Sedaye Iran, Toronto” to object; NO ONE ANSWERED THE PHONE.
There is no doubt that the Shameless “Speaker” is suffering a mental disorder and has serious hostility toward Muslims and in all his programs he is insulting to Muslims’ beliefs. Few months age I heard that the “Speaker” attacked and insulted to our Holly Book “Koran”. Few weeks ago I heard that “Speaker” insulted Muslims and our beliefs by attacking to St. ALI, and criticized him for remarriage after his wife St. FATEMEH died, and other criticism. However, I was very busy in the prosecution of my Complaint before the Security Intelligent Review Committee (“SIRC”) against two members of the Canadian Security Intelligent Service “Mary Mardall and Richard Stewart” (“CSIS”) who have insulted to my religion “Islam” on September 5, 2002 in an oppressive interview for the Citizenship.
The corrupt “Radio Sedaye Iran, Toronto” is responsibly for ample hostile and malicious programs against Islam and Muslims. Few months ago on two “Saturdays Zoroastrians Programs” at 1PM I heard the direct attack to Islam and Muslims in which it called “Arabs” as savage; three speakers have attacked to Iranian for accepting Islam and leaving their old beliefs as Zoroastrians. Further, there is another program at from 1130 to 1:30PM in which the Speaker has hostility against Muslim and always reading a poem that says “Thanks God that I am NOT Muslim” and continuing his programs with Shameless people who are calling and insulting to Muslims. I have no doubt whatsoever that the Shameless Speakers of the corrupt “Radio Sedaye Iran, Toronto” are seriously jeopardizing our National Security and may cause endless street fights in our cities in Canada. Please investigate my complaint at your earliest. I shall add a group of corrupt Canadian and Iranian Officials are supporting these hostile programs and radio. So please try your best to investigate my complaint with impartiality and honestly

President of University of Toronto
VIA FACSIMILE 416 971 1360
Dear President:
This is a Complaint against Karen LEWIS-Assistant Dean of the Athletic Center (AC), Will Kopplin-Supervisor of Field House, Peter v. George- Program Monitor, Dan MacLennan-Staff; and U of T Police.
A. Extreme mismanagement in all aspects such as in the administrative process, operational activities and the maintenance of the building;
B. The professional misconduct of few staffs, and THEFTS;
C. Conspiracy of a very few staffs with the Criminal Organizations (“CCO”).
On or about 1997 I registered at AC as a parent of my two children in which both were students; since then, every year I renewed my membership. In this period there were several thefts of my properties that I brought to attention of Supervisors and Dean.
A. In general, since 1997, the quality of services has been dramatically reduced and the fees almost doubled. I was eyewitness of millions dollars corruption in AC. I am very concern, as these corruptions have caused my children and my tuitions be increased oppressively. The simple example is the millions dollars wasted for maintenance and renovation of Men & Women Change-Rooms, & Weight-Room (“Area”). AS THE RESULT the professionally designed Area that had best showers, washrooms, Dry Saunas, and ventilation; were changed to an extreme harmful & poor designed Area. The particulars are extensive; these are samples: (1) Floor has been changed to a smooth and fancy that I was witness many members slipped& fell harshly; (2) Entrance Doors were removed, I was witness that many women walked into Men’s Shower, everyone were shocked; (3) Showers and Siphons were changed to useless fancy one, the are continuously out of order; Weight Room moved to Ex-Women Change Room that does NOT have any AIR to breath during Heavy Weight Exercise; and worst of all Dry Saunas were changed to harmful Wet Saunas causing the growth of TOXIC MOULDS in whole Building!
B. Staffs Red-T-Shirts and Supervisors are seemed to be over hired and be very useless and harmful for the operation. Since 1997 I have never seen a real work in which millions dollars salaries paid to them. Their jobs seem to be very boring! They sit, read, chat with beautiful girls, laugh to members’ workout, sleep, and escape from Exits! On September 27, 2005-8PM I saw Kopplin, George, MacLennan were making fun of my running styles and others. I objected to them! Kopplin in reply said: “You are threatening me!” He is a crook, knows to cover his wrongs; when I was on my way to home, police car intercepted me due to Kopplin’s malicious. He is wearing his hat backward and walking like ruffians and harassing me everywhere in the AC up to this date. Since September 27th at least twice the cars driven by the U of T Constables have suddenly pulled to the sidewalk toward me, the last incident happened on October 4th, about 12:50 at College Street, south sidewalk, near University Ave. This is dangerous driving contrary to the Criminal Code. On October 3rd LEWIS wrote a letter to me that: “You ….displayed threatening actions toward staff” This is a tort that Lewis must prove it or would be liable for slander.
C. I have evidence that Kopplin & MacLennan are follower of the CCO that I am prosecuting its members before the Security Intelligent Review Committee (“SIRC) on November-December 2005.
Since June 2005 CCO&AC causing me torts, such as planned thefts of my locked new bicycle on July 22.
The CCO caused my legal proceedings against U of T under file 30350 of the Supreme Court of Canada.
Please investigate my complaint with impartiality and good faith. The best result would achieve when a panel hear this complaint.

November 21, 2002

David M. Fisher, Ombudsman; TD Bank Financial Group; Office of the Ombudsman
P.O. Box 1, Toronto-Dominion Centre
Toronto, Ontario, M5K, 1A2
Fax (416) 983 3460
Dear Ombudsman:
This is request for reviewing of my two complaints against TD Canada Trust by your office.
1- On July 31, 2002, I sent my first complaint to you that you have kindly forwarded to the TD. On November 19, 2002, I got a letter signed by Manager Customer Care “Carolyn Wheeler”. Unfortunately, Ms. Wheeler did not have any reference to material facts of my complaint.
2- On October 17, 2002, I sent my second complaint to you that you have kindly forwarded to the TD GM VISA Card, for which the material facts of my complaint indicate that the TD vindictively acted against my and as the retaliation of my first complaint, intentionally, again insulted me and have disposed my personal information by numerous disturbing questions.
On November 21, 2002, I got a letter signed by Manager Customer Relations, Pat Reimer, who again did not replied to my concerns.
On September 5, 2002, two members of the Canadian Security Intelligence Services, in the process of my application for the Citizenship, had three hours interview with me that it has been proven the FACTS in my first complaint was correct and the TD was involved in creating constructive malicious information against me to the Government. The TD and GM were defendants in my application before the Federal Court of Canada in 2000, in file T-1535-00 which is located at my web site:
Please make sure that your office investigates my complaint against the TD’s professional misconduct.
Keyvan Nourhaghighi
Thank you for your letters dated August 20, and October 18, 2002 in which you have sent my two complaints to TD Canada, and TD Canada Trust GM VISA Card. On November 7, 2002 I have received a reply

October 17, 2002

David M. Fisher, Ombudsman; TD Bank Financial Group; Office of the Ombudsman
P.O. Box 1, Toronto-Dominion Centre
Toronto, Ontario, M5K, 1A2
Fax (416) 983 3460
Dear Ombudsman:
Thank you for your letter dated August 20, 2002 for which you have forward my complaint to the GTA Regional office. I do not have any reply from the GTA. However, the following additional facts rose in respect to the complaint that I filed with you. The new facts indicate that the TD GM VISA, and TD Canada Trust Branch 677 (“Respondents”) involved in a conspiracy with intent to mislead the Canadian Security Intelligence and Services (“CSIS”), and other authorities.
On August 2000, I filed Application T-1535-00 in Federal Court of Canada against TD Bank and others. My Affidavits indicated five lawyers for the defendants committed Criminal Contempt for which my Motion located at the ULRs:
Since last September, poisoning atmospheres rose against Muslims and Iranians, caused that the Respondents and their Parties, abuse the stressful political presence. Therefore, since October 2001, several malicious transactions in my accounts, few telephone calls by the Respondents are parts of fabricating decoration to mislead the CSIS; and even the Americans’ authorities.
My Complaint dated July 31, 2002 indicated, Paragraph 4, how “Zelie” maliciously stated a statement to be recorded that “On Saturday is going to give me $10,000 Cash”. TWO WEEKS after my complaint dated July 31, I have received a notice from the Canadian Citizenship, to attended at the meeting on September 5, 2002, where two members of the CSIS have commence investigation against me, pursuant to Section 19 of the Citizenship Act-“the person will be engage in the criminal activity” that could seriously prejudice my right in my citizenship application.
AS AGAINST TD GM VISA: Since 1993, I have accounts with TD GM VISA, for which my brother who is living in Iran, Mostafa Nourhaghighi, is one of card holder, using his card for business with many countries, including Arabic countries who are subject of American’s poisoning propagandas. On Saturday April 27, 2002, after ten years businesses with TD GM VISA, suddenly, a female staff introduced herself as Amber COSSITI, called my daughter’s telephone number, and talked with me. Cossiti, maliciously, read the list of several Arabic Merchants in DUBAI that my brother purchased from them, with particulars of all transactions, where it was clear that Cossiti was trying that police be able to have clear tape recording.
I asked from Cossiti how did you found my daughter’s telephone number, she did not reply.
My daughter objected and cancelled her card in my account. GM refused to transfer all my earnings in two my accounts to one account. On October 17, 2002, I received new cards that asking me: “Please Activate Your Card Now”; at 00:05 PM I called 1-877-491-6061. Caroline replied, she asked few questions, name, address and date of birth; however suddenly said that I must talk with customer services and put me on hold; after few minutes Malik replied and asked me ample questions and said: “I cannot verify your information” and disconnect the line.
I called again. This time Sherry replied and asked few questions, and again said that I must talk with customer service; then Gavin with number 60082 again asked my name, address, date of birth, the amount that I paid in last statement, my credit limit, the last purchase that I made, the type of product that I purchased! I asked from Supervisor Claire RUSSELL the address that I be able to file a complaint against GM VISA and she refused provide me with any information.
CC: Mr. TD Bank Financial Group, Office of the Ombudsman
David M. Fisher, Fax No: 416 983 3460
Fax: 416 924 7720

August 21, 2002
Scotiabank’s Ombudsman
Fax 416 933 3276; Confirmed at 1:38PM on Aug 21/02

Dear Sir/Madam:
This is a complaint against the conspiracy in the Office of the Scotiabank's President, and request for review of my complaint for frauds on the On Line Banking by the Scotiabank's Chairman.
On August 19, 2002 I called President Office to file complain, the secretary put me on hold and never replied again. I called back and I tfiled my complaint with Marie MIZGALA.
I asked for Mizgala if she was specialist in the Computer Sowftware Frauds. Her reply was negative. I asked that a person who is specialist in computer frauds call me that be able to understand my complaint. Mizgala, admitted that she was not a qualified investigator and will handle my complaint to proper deparment.
On August 20, at 11:30 AM Francis Ngai, the investigator of Scotiabank called me, and I explained all facts in paragraphs 1 to 13 of my complaint that is loaded in my Web site for Ngai:
Ngai said that the issue was complex and he did not has qualification to understand the nature of my complaint. Ngai, has got an appointment from me for 1PM on August 20, that his Manager Paul Algar to call me. Ngai said that Algar has more computer qualifications than him.
I explained in detail for Ngai, how the Attorney General of Ontario with conspiracy with the University of Toronto have created particular illegal softwares that allow them to trespass to customers' accounts and create difficulaties for the bank and customers, for their own interest and objects of conspiracy.
I explained for Ngai that since 1990, I have evidence to prove that the Attorney General of Ontario by hacking the Scotiabank's computers, have caused a large number of errors in my accounts, such as issuance of numerous NSF cheques, when I had sufficient founds. I said that many other customers had same difficulaties.. The Attorney General of Ontario was defendant for frauds in my condomiium, and made false NSF cheques against my account at Scotiabank, and TD Canada Trust to attack to my credibility before judges and not let the case be tried.
While, I was talking with Ngai, I noticed that the Attorney General of Ontario intercepted our telephone conversation. I called, immidetalt, the CRTC at telphone number 1-877-249-2782, and filed a complaint against Bell Canada. As the result, Algar did not call me, while Ngar had appointment from me. I called President Office at 416 933 1700, my call was obstructed by the Attorney General of Ontario. Finally, Liz from that office told me that he left message for Ngai and Algar to call me. They did not call me. On August 21, Mizgala, called me and said: "Your file is closed!" The bank is obligated in law to protect my account's security against all types of frauds, disregard of who is the defraduder, governments of Ontario, Quebec, Canada or any dirty cheater are should all same for the bank, as the customers are important.
Keyvan Nourhaghighi Twelve Years Expreance against the Attorney General of Ontario's Fraud, Forgery, Conspiracy


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